The Story of GREC

Full Length GREC Video

Gainesville’s Renewable Energy Center, or GREC, uses state-of-the-art pollution control technology. The bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) boiler is highly efficient and operates at lower overall emissions than any other biomass plant in the world, meeting the highest requirement of ‘Maximum Available Control Technology.’ As part of its emissions control system, GREC has an advanced baghouse to capture particles, soot, and ash before air is discharged from the stack. GREC is the first biomass plant in the U.S. designed and built to be in conformance with strict new EPA regulations that limit the emission of particles. GREC cleans its exhaust gas to remove other pollutants by using selective catalytic reduction and other pollution control devices. GREC is also a zero liquid discharge project, meaning that all industrial wastewater is cleaned and reused. No water is sent to the municipal wastewater treatment system.